Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The never-emptying inbox

Christmas is, well, three days away. It isn't that I don't know when Christmas is. It's not like it changes days on you. It's the same frickin' day every year. It doesn't sneak up on me.
Right now, I've got a million projects going on. Our show has really started to take off and that brings a whole new set of things to do for it. I was co-hosting another show on Fridays, and I got the chance to spin off to another show on a different network. I'm writing for the SportFellas and I'm going to be doing their radio show. I'm also taking on a few outside design projects because in the event that I decide to peace out, I have to refresh those skills. And they're fun.
Oh, wait. I committed to a triathlon in July in Chicago. The Danskin. We were going do to April in Orlando but opted to go to Chicago instead. I'm down with that. I've never been there.
Let's throw the Erie half-marathon on top of that. I think it's the weekend after.
You want more?
Harrisburg-Hershey half-marathon ... second weekend of November. I realize that's a hell of a long way down the road, but it's not like something you capriciously prepare for. You don't wake up that Saturday morning and say, "eh, I got nothing better to do, so I think I'll hit 13 miles today."
So between work, traveling, writing, radio, training ... sleep's a luxury. I tried going to bed really early last night but my mind was racing.
I neglected to send out Christmas cards and it's more because my life has been in such a state of transition during the last few months I didn't even think to ask for the Excel spreadsheet of addresses so I could send them. There's no tree. I didn't decorate. I just don't feel much like Christmas this year, and understandably.
In a few days, I'll be at home, on my parents' couch, watching their TV and relaxing. I'll take a minute or three to breathe and catch up, and then hit it again. Time's not slowing down for me, it seems. It's getting faster and faster.
... and I'm gonna be freakin' 29. Gah.
And it's time for me to call into my second network for the Christmas radio show. Then, I swear some down time with the TV.
OK, I lied. THIS is the best headline ever.
Man accused of hiding meat in his pants
It's like Christmas came early for me.
And now, a fun picture of bologna:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas from The Cadillac of Men!

Who says men don't listen?
During my show Sunday night, I said that nunchucks would make me the happiest person in the world, and look at what got delivered today from Foobs, also known as The Cadillac of Men!
Just for general information, there is a running bet on how long it will take me to hurt myself with these. I've had them four minutes and I hit myself in the head once.
Best. Headline. Ever.
It just made my Wednesday, and it's only 9:17 a.m.!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
About that pesky WVU coaching situation ...

As always, I'm not saying. I'm just saying. And I'm saying I'm amazed that there are more conspiracy theories about this coaching departure than there were about Sept. 11. And it's stupid.
At the end of the day, Rich Rodriguez made a choice. Every day, we all make choices. He made a choice. That's it. That's really as complicated as it gets.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Back from the road ... again.
YO! Patty O! These are your peeps, bro! :)
These are also Nicole's peeps. Maybe you all summered at the Vineyard together. ;)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Site Pimping:

I'm happy to pimp these guys, because they're my second family. -- Armchair Philosophy Served with a Beer and a Bias
Dean just asked me to be a contributor, so now their motto can be served with a beer, and a bias, and in my case, boobs. So far, I'm the lone female contributor.
Also, SportFellas is about to launch their own radio show at I'll let you all know when to listen. It'll be fun roundtable show and who knows what we'll get into. The goal is to have all of the site contributors as roundtable hosts with guests and interviews and good stuff. I'm SO proud of them for taking this next step toward awesome.
If you've got nothing to read tonight, head over there. I highly recommend the 2007 Bowl Prediction column, but not if you're enjoying a beverage. If you don't heed my warning, at least have some paper towels handy. :) It's that funny.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
If there IS a Husband No. 2
But there is, down the road, the thought of trying this concept again. And if that ever does happen, I hope I marry a really competitive dude, because he's going to have to help me top this in terms of freaking awesome:
The "Thriller" dance was awesome. The couple who replicated the final dance in "Dirty Dancing"? You totally have a fan in me. But I've placed this couple at my solid No. 1 to beat. You're going down, "Baby Got Back" couple!
** And speaking of weddings, today is my parents' 30th anniversary. THIRTY freakin' years!! :) Congratulations, Mom and Dad. Your decision to go to Virginia that weekend and get hitched created a couple of pretty fantastic kids and a lot of fun for them growing up. I'm happy to see two of my best friends reach this kind of milestone. :)**
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Part-time job anyone?
Monday, December 10, 2007
I couldn't have said it better myself.
In some respects
I suspect you've got a respectable side
When pushed and pulled and pressured
You seldom run and hide
But it's for someone else's benefit
Not for what you wanna do
Until I realize that you've realized
I'm gonna say these words to you
You don't know what love is
You do as you're told
Just as a child at 10 might act
But you're far too old
You're not hopeless or helpless
And I hate to sound cold
But you don't know what love is...
You just do as you're told
I can see your man
Can't help but win
Any problems that may arise
But in his mind there can be no sin
If you never criticize
You just keep on repeating
All those empty "I love yous"
Until you say you deserve better
I'm gonna lay right into you
You don't know what love is
You just do as you're told
Just as a child of 10 might act
But you're far too old
Your not hopeless or helpless
And I hate to sound cold
But you don't know what love is
No you don't know what love is
No you don't know what love is
You just do as you're told
You do as you're told
I still haven't found what I'm looking for ...
But -- all in all -- not having as bad a day as these guys:
Tractor-trailer driver and passenger both in critical condition after plunge into river
This happened RIGHT OUTSIDE my office window this morning. We still can't figure out how we didn't HEAR this thing fly OFF THE INTERSTATE and drop 80 feet to U.S. Route 60 below and then roll into the river.
Crazy. This is far superior to the Spilled Milk Incident of 2005 when the milk tanker overturned on the bridge and its contents flowed off the bridge like a delicious milk waterfall.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Shameless self-promotion!!
But, anyway ...
My weekend radio show, The Show That Never Ends, has been picked up by Alliance Media Network, a company who has partnered with us to bring us some awesome to our merry band of misfits. They partner with several other great shows on, so please visit their site and check out some of the fantastic talent the network has to offer!
Tonight's show promises to be a good one, though. We need your help to make this first show with them the best we've done so far (with the exception of "Porn Star or My Little Pony" which may never be topped) and that only can happen if you show up and participate. You can register for free for a chat name with NowLive and come in and hang out with us! You never know who's going to show up on any given night!
Oh, and don't forget -- Ed, our resident douche, isn't off the hook for his hair. And I'm not sure I could ring in 2008 any happier than knowing that while he's out trying to score with is popped collar on his dark striped shirt and his trendy jeans, he can't escape the fact that he's got no hair.
We want to thank all of you for your support! There's no way we'd be here now if it weren't for all of you. We're looking forward to making 2008 the best year yet for the show!
This is pretty awesome. I'm excited and freakin' out at the same time. And up to my ass in prep work right now. :) But I do hope that if you're around, and you've got the time, that you check us out tonight!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Your brain on doxylamine succinate
Oooh! It's like Christmas up in here!
The guy they're interviewing now just said:
"There ain't no tellin' what I'll do when I'm drunk."
... that sounds like a lot of people I know.
I'm excited, though. This is great self-imposed grounding viewing. You don't have to think to watch this -- just laugh.
Oh, and these people should be beat with hoses as soon as they walk out the door. I think just normal police custody's too good for someone whose sole purpose for travel is to have sex with kids.
I know the issues surrounding this series, too -- there are both social and ethical concerns -- but the bottom line? I have no respect for kid touchers and they should really get what's coming their way: Prison rape.
I don't think I've seen the sun yet
I could see how people get seasonal affective disorder. I actually know a couple of people who do have it and for a span of months during the fall and winter, they're on antidepressants because the dark and the gray is just too much. I understand how it could happen quite easily.
I woke up and went to the couch, which long has been a favorite Saturday routine. In my old house, the TV room was in the bottom level of the house and it was so dark and I would lose hours on Saturday afternoon sleeping while he worked or did other things. It's very dark in the bedroom in my new house, but thankfully, my living room lets in a lot of light.
There's just no light. It's gray. And ugly. And the trees are barren. But I do have a lovely view of Charleston's finest high-rise living. :) It doesn't have a parking garage, though. It doesn't make sense to me to have that kind of apartment building that you're paying that much to live in, and you still park outside. I've never been so happy to have a garage in my life!! Wednesday morning when it was snowy outside, I got into a cleaned off, warm car.
I've grounded myself today. I don't want to leave the house unless I have to because I just need to try to rest this cold out. I've torn up the interstate in every direction for weeks. It's been a blast and I've loved every second, but my health is suffering.
Oh, and how's this for a surprise -- I was doing research on half-marathons and found that the Erie one got pushed back to July! EEK! I'm scared now. Officially scared. I don't know if I'll be ready by July. I found a great program online that gives you eight weeks of conditioning and then you start training full on, so I think that's most sound. I'm going to have to map out some outside paths in Charleston for this training because I can't possibly take a treadmill at the gym long enough to do 10 miles on a Sunday.
It's a huge commitment. Erie in July, the Danskin Tri sometime in July (I hope not on the same weekend) and the Harrisburg-Hershey Half Marathon in November (which will definitely end with me taking a huge nap and then going to Chocolate World to eat everything made of milky chocolate goodness that isn't tied down -- in fact, I'd like my friends at the finish line with a giant Hershey's bar). I've been asked what I'll do after that.
I don't know. Probably sleep a while. Go to Vegas. I've always wanted to go to Vegas. I hear they've got a good half-marathon out there, too.
My ultimate dream goal is the Boston Marathon ... but I'm a realist. I doubt I'll ever be able to do that. Maybe it just seems overwhelming now, but in the end, taken in small chunks, it's totally possible.
I've always been told anything is possible, and I've definitely learned that during the last six months of my life. Anything is possible and you should be prepared for the bottom to drop out any time.
But I feel very peaceful, even if it's cold and gray outside. I'd be psyched if I could breathe out my nose, but that's just gravy at this point. :)
Friday, December 07, 2007
I'm not sayin', I'm JUST sayin' ...
I showed this to George, good friend and fellow WVU grad, who did, in fact, confirm it's 100 percent accurate.
I know I should be working, but ...

-- "Blister in the Sun" by Violent Femmes
I'm so strung out on the DayQuil that I can't focus. I start to do something, and then I look at the clock, and then I'll flip through my iTunes, read, look at the New York Post online ... I'm a trainwreck.
A trainwreck just a couple of short hours away from from a weekend spent on her couch.
"Just because we A-rabs, girl, don't mean we's kin."
-- George, when asked if he was related to another guy from Charleston who also is Lebanese
My left nostril is all red and painful from the constant runniness. And sneezing.

The Firehouse, McGrath's, Johnnie's, Zembie's, the Chiefs, the freakin' Hershey Bears, Chocolate World -- all of it. I'd say the only part of that trip that sucked was the Turnpike, but as I drove away that night, I didn't even mind the Turnpike that time. It's not all that bad.
I also am way overdue for a trip to Richmond. Paige tells me there's a BW3 literally in staggering distance of her house, and this pleases me. :) I think the next time I'm up to hitting the road for a few days, there are going to be lots of wings and trivia involved. And Ikea, even though I doubt I could fit any of it in the Camry.
And really, is it February yet? I've got Groundhog Day, my birthday (which it's never, ever too early to start your planning for), the Foo in Philly followed by a weekend with Angie where we'll see things like the Museum of Medical Oddities ... I can't wait. All of January is just going to suck my will to live because I'm going to be waiting for February to get here.
OK, I've got to get back to work. I wanna go wrap up in my woobie on my couch and stay there until around noon on Sunday.
Why I love my office No. 183
OK, common cold. You win.
Nightman: What's wrong with you? You sound like hell.
Me: Oh, I'm fine. I'm not sick. I just can't breathe.
Nightman: You call a doctor yet?
Me: No! I'm not SICK. I just can't breathe.
Nightman: I don't know, Jacque. To me, "not being able to breathe" is something worth seeing a doctor about.
Monday is my cutoff. If I still can't breathe by Monday, I'm finally sucking it up and calling the doctor, where I'll lose $20 and about four hours of my time for her to see me for three minutes and write me a prescription.
I thought I was coming out of it, but in the last couple of days, my breathing capacity has severely diminished. And I'm back to the DayQuil and NyQuil. In a moment of genius yesterday, I became convinced I had allergies and went out and bought Claritin.
I'm clearly not a doctor.
Maybe it's stress. Maybe it's just the lack of an idle weekend at home. I traveled for something like four weeks straight -- Cincinnati, New Martinsville, Harrisburg, Hershey, Morgantown -- and although each of those trips were fantastic and fun, it didn't leave much time for rest with a cold that developed BEFORE I went to Cincinnati.
This weekend I've "grounded" myself. I'm not going out unless it's necessary, except for the gym. I know, I probably shouldn't even be working out, but I'm on a good streak lately and I feel bad when I miss it. And I love my gym. If you're one of my Charleston readers and you want a gym that you'll be in love with, I suggest Capitol Fitness. I giant heart how it's got great Pilates classes and it's never crowded. It also smells really nice, which was quite different than what I experienced at the Y on Tuesday night. Ick.
So, the grounding begins. I'm going to spend it on my couch watching movies in glorious high-definition quality and working on my show.
Speaking of my show, some very, very exciting new developments are in the works and it's HUGE! I don't want to talk a whole lot about it right now for fear of jinxing it, but it's VERY good and we're beside ourselves. Or, as co-host Jeff would say, we're "shitting rainbows."
Or, like my favorite Demotivator says: "Teamwork: A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction."
But now, I go fight the post office. Again. I f-ing lost a roll of stamps, and I'm still mad about it because I'd used TWO. That's $41.00 right out the window. Gah!!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The Century Club!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
For a limited time only ...
Monday, December 03, 2007
I've seen fire and I've seen ice -- just not together
But nothing like this.
Sweet Ann sent this to me with the disclaimer, "I don't know if this will make you laugh or cry, but I feel obligated to share it with you anyway."
My true love bursts into flames.
Why, God? Why?!
(I should add that I do love that it's a Comcast Zamboni that bursts into flames ... nice touch! Exploding Zamboni? That's Comcastic!!)
I'm trapped in a glass case of emotion!!
"This reminds me of two years ago when that -- AUGH -- I DON'T EVEN HAVE A WORD FOR HIM -- promised me up until freaking 24 hours before opening kickoff that he bought season tickets for us, and you know what? It was all a lie. A huge letdown and a huge lie. Like this season's been. It's all one GIANT HUGE LIE and one giant letdown."
-- Jacque on the phone, 11:45 p.m. Saturday night, taking it all out on someone who just happened the be the unfortunate S.O.B. who answered the phone
Cooler heads since have prevailed. The sun came up, but still hasn't shined here. I really don't even mean what I said about the season being a letdown. Or a giant lie.
You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a prediction: It's going to be cold. It's going to be gray. And it's going to last you for the rest of your life.
Friday, November 30, 2007
In 62 short days ...

PhilFest '08 will be my phourth (ha!!) trip to Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day. The first time I went, my friend Erinn (along with our other two friends) found it to be a good idea when at 10 p.m., we realized that the next day was Groundhog Day, the next day was Friday and well, we didn't have anything better to do that night.
In 2006, I took what, to this day, is known amongst my closest friends as "The Single Worst Trip I've Ever Made" for many, many reasons. One of the people on the trip seemed to think that what he saw in the movie actually was what was in store, and when that didn't pan out, he whined. Incessantly. And the other person on the trip (a person I don't even speak to anymore) tried a little to smooth things out but ended up fighting with the other douchebag. This led me to the conclusion, around 4 a.m., that I never, ever should have taken EITHER of them to Punxsutawney because once we got up to Gobbler's Knob, the "I wanna go home" douche decided to get really into it and have a good time and the other guy stood nowhere near where he could see what was going on wrapped in his blanket being pissy with everybody. Sigh. Even when I asked for a group picture, I got told no. Lesson learned: Don't make that trip with people you aren't certain can handle it on all levels. All of you end up miserable.
In 2007, though, it was "the Redeemer" trip, big time. Erinn was back for this one, along with our friend Danny, and to say that we had fun would be one of the greatest understatements of the century. From the minute we all got in the car in Morgantown until I was back in Charleston the next day sleeping for 18 hours straight, we had fun. Where else can you hear phrases like "Scream for me I.S.D.A.!!!!" and "they're made from sheep casings" all in the same night and still manage to make snow angels in Punxsutawney's park and see Punxy 5-0 about to make a takedown? And Burger King has never, ever been so tasty.
So, I'm eager to see what '08 has in store because it's a Saturday. I'm pretty sure Erinn's in again, I think I've almost talked Julie into it and definitely Jeff if he can get the time off. I'd love to get a couple of hotel rooms, a big ol' rented van ... I think we could turn it into a fantastic weekend.
If you want to go, we'd love to have you, but you're gonna have to pass our entrance exam first, and so help me GOD if you ask me if it's anything like the movie ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thank you, Benny from Aventura
I just don't get it ...
Music Videos - Lip Gloss
This song is arguably the most stupid song EVER made. There's no way in hell this required thought, effort or talent.
And yet, Lil' Mama is driving a Bentley and I'm working 50 hours a week.
I don't begrudge her for catching the break we all want, but I still don't get it. I think I'm officially getting old. It's finally happened. I'm ready to start watching "Match Game" re-runs and eating Swanson TV dinners.
Mmm. Salisbury steak.
Treats from the road!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I'm alive ... swear!
In somewhat chronological order:
* Went to Johnstown, Pa., and watched the Johnstown Chiefs. I felt all "Slap Shot." It was awesome. Had dinner at a place called Johnnie's with some of the most real people I've ever met in my LIFE. Lost big time at Pennsylvania scratch-off tickets. (Screw you, Commonwealth!!) The liquor store worker said we could park by the bridge " 'n at."
* Went to Harrisburg, Pa., and checked into the Crowne Plaza where Julie and I decided we could move in. They give you a sleep mask, a sleep CD and lavender bed spray. I'm in love.
* Spent all day Saturday afternoon with Julie walking around Harrisburg, going to see the inside of their Capitol, taking pictures, walking to City Island, looking at leaves and molesting the newspaperman statute.
* Got pretty well acquainted with Harrisburg nightlife. Got a standing ovation from the wonderful bartending staff at The Firehouse on North Second Street for my knowledge of the lyrics of "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)." Suck it, Ed.
* If I don't get a Nintendo Wii soon, I'm gonna kill somebody.
* Saw my first ever Hershey Bears hockey game at Giant Center in Hershey. Went to chocolate world. Everybody asks if the town smells like chocolate. I couldn't smell. I was still sick. I'm now a huge Hershey Bears fan.
* Pennsylvania Turnpike: I still hate you. But I'm buying an EZ Pass to make our relationship better.
* Came back to work. New guy started! Woo!
* My divorce became final at 4 p.m. November 27. This wasn't easy. Or fun. It was sad. And it was like watching a movie of it happening. It didn't feel like it was happening when I was sitting there.
* Volleyball. Visit from Mom.
* Intent to go to the gym, but everybody is hellbent on feeding and watering me. I'm OK, I promise. Hot fudge cake isn't going to make me thin. And I've got two half-marathons to try to do next year!
... I think that's it. But I'll jump back into ye olde blogging game as soon as the dust clears.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Why I giant heart Nicole

Turkey for me, Turkey for you ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The results are in: You're not superficial!
Which would you rather have?
Here's how you voted:
A mate who's amazingly good looking, but a total idiot. (GOOSE EGG!)
A mate who's amazingly intelligent, but not much to look at. 27 percent (5 votes)
As Billy Joel said, "I just want someone that I can talk to." 13 votes (72 percent)
Thank you all for somewhat restoring my faith in humanity and proving, yet again, that Billy Joel has the answers for everything.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Is there such thing as a "super strain"?

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tonight's program is brought to you by ...

Nevertheless, we're pressing on and having a show tonight because there won't be one next week. By the time 8 p.m. rolls around next Sunday, Julie and I are going to be center ice at a Hershey Bears game in Pennsylvania.
I could literally go to bed right this minute.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hi! I'm in ... Covington!
2. New Martinsville is everywhere. Literally. First person we see at the hotel last night? Graduated two years before me.
3. Right next door? AWFUL WAFFLE!!!! :) Which is so calling our names, so I better get moving.
Go 'Eers. Go Blue. Go Nittany Lions.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Friday, November 16, 2007
On the road in Ohio
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
First Song Friday (11-16-07)
Today's pick is courtesy of the 1990s music channel on MusicChoice. I heart you, digital cable.
I can die happy. On Feb. 22.
Me. And the FOO!
This is my first Foo Fighters concert. The first time I'll get to see them live! I'm so excited, I can't even hold it in. I've decided that February is the best month ever because it's got Groundhog Day, my birthday and Foo Fighters all in the same 29 days.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Prisoners have it better than you
Clayton prison requests satellite TV for inmates
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 11/13/07
The latest management tool to settle prison squabbles could be "Monday Night Football."
The Clayton County Correctional Institution asked the County Commission on Tuesday to order DIRECTV for the Lovejoy prison.
Warden Frank Taylor Smith said inmates have been grumbling since "Monday Night Football" moved from ABC to ESPN.
"The reason is 'Monday Night Football' is now on cable," he said. "Although it might seem funny, when you have 90 percent of inmates watching something, it is a management tool for the institution."
The direct-broadcast satellite service — less than $100 a month — will be paid for from money collected at the prison's commissary and pay phones. Last year, the prison collected $41,000 from the inmate commissary and telephones but spent only a quarter of that money on inmate welfare, Smith said.
The 226 inmates housed in the facility's five dormitories now have the option of watching two channels, but half the time the reception is poor.
"It's a very routine thing. Every state prison has cable or DIRECTV," Smith said. "We have an antenna now."
Smith told the commission that all state prisons and 90 percent of county institutions have either cable or satellite TV.
However, Georgia Department of Corrections officials say that is not correct.
"No prisoners have DIRECTV. Television is a privilege," said Tracy Smith, a state corrections spokeswoman. "Our televisions have antennas."
The state pays a stipend to Clayton County to house inmates in the medium security prison, which serves as a work camp to provide labor for the county's public works, water authority, landfill and other departments. County officials say they save $1.4 million annually by using inmate labor.
The Clayton County Commission will vote on the DIRECTV proposal next week.
... what part of "you're in jail because you committed a crime and you don't deserve all of the things people who aren't in jail have" did I miss?
Only in my office ...
It was a great idea at the time!
I'm so excited for this trip! Erinn and Mike (her husband, whose blog you should read after this one by clicking HERE!) and I will leave on Friday and we'll eat at a restaurant you can read about here.
I'm taking my camera ... now that I've got the cord and I stopped being lazy ... to document the action. :)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Because who DOESN'T need some 1980s?
If I think about it long enough, it's this song and "This Is a Call" by Foo Fighters that got me so obsessed with drumming. I just finished watching this video, and the whole time, I'm drumming on my kitchen table.
I *heart* you, 1980s. Come back.
... Interesting.
I used to be overwhelmingly popular in Parkersburg by a CityNet user.
But yesterday, after I wrote about the screenplay Jo and I did, I stopped being popular in Parkersburg almost immediately.
I'm now overwhelmingly popular by a generic ISP in Houston, Texas, by a user with the exact same computer specs as whoever was in Parkersburg using CityNet. They're also very interested in the comments on the post about the screenplay.
But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. It's probably also a coincidence that someone's been on my show page with all of those exact same specs ... Total coincidence.
That's really the last I'm going to say about it.
I know you're doing it. You know you're doing it.
You hate me. I think you're pathetic.
I love that I don't have anything stopping me from calling you out anymore. You'd think that alone would be enough to make me uninteresting to you and you'd be patting yourself on your back enjoying your "prize," but it's clearly not enough.
But until you want to stop hiding behind your Internet veil and address me directly, you're not worth the time I've already put into you. You're spending hours a day on this blog. Literally. If you're investing that kind of time in me, you have time to come out from your anonymous, sad little world. I'm putting myself out here because I'm not a coward. You've never been anything but a coward. And jealous. And knowing what I do know about you, you're justified in your jealousy.
Sometimes, they write themselves!
Are you happy with your given name? I like it in that it's unique with its spelling. I hate it in that people always trip over it or call me "Zhock."
What is your guaranteed weeping movie? I will cry almost every time at the end of "When Harry Met Sally." Sometimes, even the end of "Major League" makes me weepy.
What is the one thing you like to do alone? Exercise. Mostly running. I like running alone because it's' my time for me.
What’s a major fear or yours? Failure. I'm not really afraid of things, per se. I find some insects to be a little creepy, but that's it.
Are you a pyromaniac? I don't set stuff on fire on my desk anymore, so I'd say I'm over it!
Do you know anyone famous? Yeah!
Describe your bed. It's really soft. It's a sleigh bed, which I've always wanted. It's dark cherry wood. It has a ton of pillows and really good sheets and a soft comforter.
What type of character would you play in a movie? The wacky sidekick, naturally.
What do you carry with you at all times? BlackBerry and my wallet.
How do you eat an apple? Just eat it ... I mean, it's a self-contained food!
Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? I'm OK just being part of the scenery. That rarely happens.
What kind of first impression do you think you give people? I could only imagine. I would guess that "personable" is probably a prevalent choice.
Favorite communication method? Whatever I can do with my BlackBerry :)
What is your hidden talent? I'm good at making fleece tie blankets.
Do you own a Bible? Yes.
How many drinks before you’re tipsy? I'm Frank the Tank. It's a lot.
Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends? Nope.
What should you be doing instead of this? Probably working ... but we're off next week so I feel a little better in NOT working right now.
Who was the last person who called you? Julie, who's on her way back from Stonewall
Are you ready? For? A nap? Yeah. Pilates? Yeah. Some personal training sessions? Sure!
What is the last gift you gave someone? I gave my cousin a gift for her baby shower Saturday.
Does everything happen for a reason? You bet your ass it does.
What is your biggest headache lately? Friday. :( And everything that led up to Friday even happening.
What color is your bedroom? I'm a renter. It's white. At my old house it was a really pretty blue I picked out at Sherwin Williams when paint was dirt cheap.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Too nice, actually.
Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else? No. They have state-licensed people to do things like that.
What kind of watch do you wear? A stainless steel one. It's hot.
What’s one car you will never buy? I don't think I'd ever buy a pickup truck. Nothing against them, but I can't see why I'd buy one for myself.
How many online journals do you read daily? A few ... I recommend you check on the ones to the right. :)
Do you cry in front of your friends? Yeah. Especially lately.
Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love? Yes.
Do you have any married friends? Tons of 'em.
Do you like thunderstorms? I like to sleep during thunderstorms.
What was your first job? I shaved blocks of ice and made them into snow-cone like things at SnoBiz in New Martinsville.
What was the last thing you typed before this survey? I was writing back to Ben.
Who was your last IM to? I haven't IMed anybody today, so I'd say last night, it was Paige.
Favorite word lately? "Awesome."
What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you in the past week? I don't know ... every day is kind of strange. Nothing sticks out.
You have a crush, don’t you? No. I actually, really don't.
Who? I said I don't!
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? I'm fidgety. Very, very fidgety.
Do you talk a lot? Yes. I'm a communicator!
What do you typically order at a bar? Vodka and cranberry.
Name ONE trait you hate in a person. Unfounded arrogance.
Favorite writing utensil? Pilot G-2 Retractable pens. So smooth. So perfect.
What’s one thing you’re a loser at? Being patient.
When’s the last time you made someone cry? It's been about a month or so.
Do you like the rain? Only if I'm not running in it. Then it's OK.
Who was the last person you talked to in person? George. He's behind me. He asked me why I was against him.
What are your plans for the weekend? I'm going to Cincinnati with Erinn to watch the WVU-Cincinnati game.
How much money would it take for you to give up the Internet for a year? Can I have it on my BlackBerry? If not, I'd probably do it for a million dollars, but I mean, I couldn't work. My job depends on the Internets.
Where’s your ideal marriage location? Ha! This is easy! Punxsutawney, Pa., on Feb. 2 where they do the weddings by the Inner Circle members.
What do you cook the best? I'm very good at chili. Mmm. Chili.
What kind of books do you like to read? I like non-fiction and true crime books. I'm also fascinated by organized crime and the mafia.
If you win the lottery, what would you like to do? I'd pack it up and move somewhere new and just see what happened.
If you don’t like a person, how do you show it? Let me count the ways ...
How long have you known your best friend? It seems like my entire life. We had the same Kindergarten teacher, but she hated me then. We had the same sixth grade teacher, but she hated me then, too. I think she started to like me in eighth grade when she realized I knew how to do algebra. :)
What are you listening to? "The Long Walk Back" CD by Just Off Turner that I bought on iTunes.
What was the last thing you laughed at? George, who said that he was gonna give someone a "wet kiss" if "Daddy got his job done right today."
What do you wish you were doing right now? Napping, easily. I'm sleepy.
What musical instrument do you wish you could play? I wish I was better at the guitar.
What’s the funniest experience you ever had at your job? Oh, wow. That's hard to narrow down. I'm going to vote for the Danny Shock Collar Incident. If you want details, I could totally do a post JUST on that.
If you could speak any language, which language would you speak? Spanish. We're all going to need it soon, and I want to be ready. :)
What fingers did you use to answer this… RIGHT NOW? Um, the ones on my hands?
Are you going to save your results? It's a blog, man. It's done been saved.
Mistakes you make only once
No, I didn't laugh. I really wanted to. It was almost coming out, but I felt bad for him because I've been there.
He had a white bag he was carrying out. The city of Charleston gives you garbage bags that are black, so I don't know if he was out or just not using them, but I mean, I use them because they're free and they don't suck.
But I started thinking ... buying cheap garbage bags is a mistake you make only once. While some mistakes you'll make over and over again, you learn that lesson really quickly.
What are some other ones? Feel free to add to this list ... I'm developing an idea here.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
As I close in on 11 hours at work today ...

Old notebook, new laughter

It was loosely based on reality -- I had somehow managed to consume a nearly 40-year-old woman who thought that I was stealing her "boyfriend." This total whack job even went so far as to create fake MySpace pages to communicate with him, thinking I'd somehow be too stupid to catch on. She bitched about me to him relentlessly about how I was "picking on her."
This probably wouldn't have been as much fun if he just would have told the truth about her from the beginning rather than "oh, she's a psycho stalker. You should ignore her or she could hurt you or me or both of us." (Hey ... HIS words. NOT mine.)
... right. Truth? No? Half-truth? No? OK.
Fortunately, I'm so far removed from that world even the memories are spotty.
However, for the afternoon entertainment that notebook brought, this post is dedicated to the glitter graphic, Jo in Miami, "Crazy" by Pasty Cline, Jesus and our hope that one day, even I will be in the Writers Guild of America so I can be on strike.
New music you'll like: Just Off Turner

I learned about this band Friday night during The James Madison Show, a show I help co-host on Friday nights on TalkRadioX.
These guys are really personable, funny and passionate about what they do. It shows through their music. They released "The Long Walk Back" this year, and their album "End of Play" was released in 2002. My favorite song of theirs is the title track from "The Long Walk Back."
I don't know how these guys haven't exploded all over the national music scene, especially when crap bands like The Fray and All-American Rejects get airplay.
You can check out their music at their MySpace page or their site -- If you like what you hear, you can download their music from iTunes or buy the CDs from
The results are in: We heart our opposite sex friends!

Can a man and a woman simply be "just friends"?
Here's how you voted:
Yes! Some of my closest friends are of the opposite sex. -- 9 votes (50 percent)
I suppose, but 99 percent of the time, it's complicated. -- 8 votes (44 percent)
Nope. It's not possible. -- 1 vote (5 percent)
I'm curious about the one "no" vote, so if you're that vote and you want to share, I'd love to hear your experience. I voted yes, because it's true in my case ... P and Jeff are just two of many. They're dudes, but there's never been any sort of issue that came between us in terms of "should we ever go past this." I'd take a bullet for them. They'd take one for me.
My sister's best friend is a guy named Forsh. She's lucky to have him, because they really are separated at birth twins.
I'm not saying I've not run into the situation where I became really close friends with a male and it got complicated -- I lost an entire year, maybe longer, of my four years at WVU to it, and it lingered on for another three. You learn from it. You live. You go on.
Well, this explains it!

From today's New York Post ...
The Wider Gals' Hips, The Higher Their IQ: Report
Who's a bowling pin genius? WHO??
Or ... what has two thumbs and looks like a bowling pin but is real smart?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Freaking real(ity) TV
Right now I'm watching this girl named Cristy who wanted to be a fashion designer, but got all addicated to crystal meth and alcohol and now she's a stripper. Her sister just came to try to make her eat lunch and she was so messed up she ended up beating her sister -- all of this while naked. In a house that looked like a hurricane had been through it and she was just living in the piles.
I don't know, really, what it's like to be in a situation where you have a family member who's so bad off that you have to just swoop in and haul them off to the rehab. I never had an immediate family member who was addicted to hard drugs ... it's all normal, run of the mill stuff.
So, as fascinated as I am, I'm sad. I can't imagine something having that kind of control over you. I make jokes about meth all the time (because it's a HUGE problem where I live) by saying that if it didn't make you ugly, I'd be all over it to make me thin, but after seeing this, I sort of feel bad for saying it.
And then there's the part of me that's wrestling with why I'm watching it. I mean, it's somewhat educational and I'm learning something, but then again, I feel like I'm watching someone else's life blow up for the sake of entertainment.
I've had a rough couple of days, so I think it goes back to the, "Well, it's nice to know that somebody's worse off than you, Jacque." I mean, isn't that why we watch "Maury" or "Jerry Springer"? There's part of us that likes to know that somewhere, someone's having a worse day than you are.
But it's kind of sad. I can't even imagine just drinking vodka like it's bottled water, and that's what she's doing. She's just drinking it right out of the bottle. It blows my mind.
Christmas *IS* only six weeks away

This is on the list.
This guy ...

Is ... a freakin' beast. In the last 45 seconds of the game Saturday night against the Devils, he probably had five saves to keep them from tying it. Out of my long-standing tradition of goalie love, Rick DiPietro's been it for the past couple of years.
Tonight's game is against the Flyers, which as much as I love Philadelphia, I'll be going against them tonight. :) (Sorry, Ang. But the next time the Islanders are in town, I totally need to come over and we can go!!)
That's right ... sadly, my interest in football is waning now that hockey's getting into full swing. Julie and I are even going on a semi-pro hockey tour in two weeks. Maybe it's my Canadiophilia ...
Truth through art
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Happy birthday, Angie!!

The beautiful girl on the left is celebrating her birthday today in Philadelphia. I'm unfortunately not in Philadelphia today to help her, but I think she knows that I'm there in spirit. This picture was from her bachelorette party March 31, 2007.
Happy birthday to someone who really has seen it all with me and never left my side through any of it. You are simply the best, ever.
And I hope you at least go buy a cute coat today or something ... Maybe hang out with Lord Hauser. :)
So if you're one of my readers and inclined, leave Angie some birthday love!
Friday, November 09, 2007
First Song Friday (11-09-07)
Today's pick, courtesy of the 1980s Music Choice channel on my digital cable provided by Suddenlink, a company for which I am like a battered wife.
The first song I heard today is, "We Built This City" by Starship. A song, by most accounts (including this one where Blender magazine named it pretty much the worst song ever), that represented all that was wrong with pop music, even though the song railed against it.
For your singalong pleasure:
We Built This City
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Say you don't know me or recognize my face
Say you don't care who goes to that kind of place
Knee deep in the hoopla, sinking in your fight
Too many runaways eating up the night
Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Someone always playing corporation games
Who cares they're always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible, write us off the page
Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
It's just another Sunday, in a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh then we just lost the beat
Who counts the money underneath the bar
Who rides the wrecking ball in two rock guitars
Don't tell us you need us, cos were the ship of fools
Looking for America, coming through your schools
(I'm looking out over that Golden Gate Bridge
Out on another gorgeous sunny Saturday, not seein' that bumper to bumper traffic)
Don't you remember ('member)('member)
(what's your favorite radio station, in your favorite radio city
The city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps)
Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
(we built, we built this city) built this city (we built, we built this city)
I makes me wish my open fingered gloves were here already!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
'Your next wedding invitation ...'
Give it up, bro

Not a tasty post-lunch treat, that's for sure. But it's kind of interesting.
Most of us would naturally presume that man boobs show up because you get fat. And while yeah, that's true, it's not just because you're packing it on, it's because of the estrogen that extra fat brings with it. I was fascinated.
Anyway, if you're interested, you can read the entire article here. It's actually pretty interesting, but I'm a science geek. And it contains the pop-culture "Seinfeld" reference to the "bro."
Ten more simple rules to live by
It's always good to be more informed than less informed, you know.
The 10 'Mafiosi' commandments are:
1. No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
2. Never look at the wives of friends.
3. Never be seen with cops.
4. Don't go to pubs and clubs.
5. Always be available for Cosa Nostra, even if your wife's about to give birth.
6. Appointments must be respected.
7. Wives must be treated with respect.
8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.
9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.
10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra are anyone with a close relative in the police, with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values.
Ooof. I'm gonna have a problem with 3, 4 and 6 ...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Personally, I celebrate the man's entire catalog
But I don't celebrate Michael Bolton.
I celebrate Michael McDonald.
To me, it doesn't get any better than when he sings, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."
And, yes. I own BOTH Motown CDs.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
"Jacque ... that man ruined the Doobie Brothers. He destroyed an American institution."
You call this destroying?
That is musical magic. Much like Ricky Bobby in "Talledega Nights," when Michael McDonald wakes up in the morning, he pisses excellence.
Excellence like this gem from the 1986 movie, "Running Scared."
I know what you're thinking.
"Jacque, that movie is great on its own. It didn't need a song to make it better! It's got Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines for the love of God."
You ... would be wrong. That song makes the perfect compliment to an already fantastic flick.
Play that YouTube vid and you try to tell me you're not chair dancing -- even a little. It's impossible. The power of Michael compels you. You can't sit there with a frown when "Sweet Freedom" starts to play. You'll be humming it and realizing that all of those times you thought that genius destoryed the Doobie Brothers, you were very, very wrong.