Can a man and a woman simply be "just friends"?
Here's how you voted:
Yes! Some of my closest friends are of the opposite sex. -- 9 votes (50 percent)
I suppose, but 99 percent of the time, it's complicated. -- 8 votes (44 percent)
Nope. It's not possible. -- 1 vote (5 percent)
I'm curious about the one "no" vote, so if you're that vote and you want to share, I'd love to hear your experience. I voted yes, because it's true in my case ... P and Jeff are just two of many. They're dudes, but there's never been any sort of issue that came between us in terms of "should we ever go past this." I'd take a bullet for them. They'd take one for me.
My sister's best friend is a guy named Forsh. She's lucky to have him, because they really are separated at birth twins.
I'm not saying I've not run into the situation where I became really close friends with a male and it got complicated -- I lost an entire year, maybe longer, of my four years at WVU to it, and it lingered on for another three. You learn from it. You live. You go on.
My opinion is that men and women can be friends IF (and only if) the attraction question has been confronted and resolved. But it must be consciously addressed. Otherwise, there will always be weird "what if" undercurrents in the friendship from at least one of the people involved.
On some levels I agree, though I can't remember a single time my friend P and I ever had a conversation about it. It just wasn't an issue. It never came up, it never led to unresolved feelings, and I love his fiance like she's family.
That's probably a serious rarity.
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