I told Julie that I think I got some sort of super strain of cold because my trusted ally, NyQuil, isn't even helping me now. NyQuil is powerless against this cold.
I can't breathe. No matter what I do, I can't breathe. It's just not happening. I've got so much to do before I head out for Thanksgiving it's unreal, and here I type at 6:30 p.m. about to take a shower and go to bed so I can make it into work tomorrow.
I didn't work today. This might be my first sick day since I got my wisdom teeth out in 2005. I couldn't do it. I thought I could go in at noon, and I couldn't. I'm tired and weak now from putting on a hat to go to the store for cat food so my animal doesn't starve. Poor Inky. I mean, I think she could miss a meal or two, but she tends to be a far more agreeable creature with a full belly. (As I type this, she finished eating and she's curled up purring like she's the happiest cat in West Virginia ...)
But now, I give NyQuil a chance to NOT let me down again. I'd hate to have it fail me after such a long time together.
just get better, wouldya, toots? the whole point of nyquil is sleep, so get some rest already!
It's hard to trust when you've been let down by the Q...
I hope you and Nyquil can kick that cold's ass!!
you're obviously well past the point now, but in the future, my mom swears by Cold Eeze. you take it at he first sign of a cold and it's supposed to knock it out. only scotch will help you now.
I really think that Vodka is our only hope thanks to the methheads. I think I finally have my allergies under control, but it took three different medications.
Hope you feel better soon.
I'm at work today, thankfully, but I'm still only about 65-70 percent. And I still can't breathe!!
Damn you, methheads. DAMN YOU!!
I bought a box of NyQuil at the store and got carded. WTF has this world come to?
Damn. Now I REALLY hope you're feeling better.
(Hilarious cartoon, by the way.)
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