Christmas is, well, three days away. It isn't that I don't know when Christmas is. It's not like it changes days on you. It's the same frickin' day every year. It doesn't sneak up on me.
Right now, I've got a million projects going on. Our show has really started to take off and that brings a whole new set of things to do for it. I was co-hosting another show on Fridays, and I got the chance to spin off to another show on a different network. I'm writing for the SportFellas and I'm going to be doing their radio show. I'm also taking on a few outside design projects because in the event that I decide to peace out, I have to refresh those skills. And they're fun.
Oh, wait. I committed to a triathlon in July in Chicago. The Danskin. We were going do to April in Orlando but opted to go to Chicago instead. I'm down with that. I've never been there.
Let's throw the Erie half-marathon on top of that. I think it's the weekend after.
You want more?
Harrisburg-Hershey half-marathon ... second weekend of November. I realize that's a hell of a long way down the road, but it's not like something you capriciously prepare for. You don't wake up that Saturday morning and say, "eh, I got nothing better to do, so I think I'll hit 13 miles today."
So between work, traveling, writing, radio, training ... sleep's a luxury. I tried going to bed really early last night but my mind was racing.
I neglected to send out Christmas cards and it's more because my life has been in such a state of transition during the last few months I didn't even think to ask for the Excel spreadsheet of addresses so I could send them. There's no tree. I didn't decorate. I just don't feel much like Christmas this year, and understandably.
In a few days, I'll be at home, on my parents' couch, watching their TV and relaxing. I'll take a minute or three to breathe and catch up, and then hit it again. Time's not slowing down for me, it seems. It's getting faster and faster.
... and I'm gonna be freakin' 29. Gah.
And it's time for me to call into my second network for the Christmas radio show. Then, I swear some down time with the TV.
Yeah, I was actually gonna say that I didn't get my Christmas card from you this year. I ran outside to my mailbox every day at 2:15 as the mailman was leaving and giving me a nasty look, and it was never there! You suck! I'm not listening to your show anymore!
Okay, I guess I'll listen to your show. Just this once though!
But I better see that Christmas card soon! Ohh, ho, yes!
I'm a giant slacker. I've hosed everybody this year.
Well, I never decorate for holidays; it just isn't my thing. However, given that I'll be working all day today (the 24th) and all day tomorrow and am hoping to have Christmas dinner at the Chinese restaurant near campus (they have great pad thai beef), perhaps I'm not the person to talk to...
I'll let it go this time.
Oh, and Merry Christmas by the way! Or Festivus, whatever you celebrate. I hear a lot of people celebrate that one.
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