Oh, and if you're going with us this year, prepare yourself for an afternoon spent at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield where we won't be leaving until we finish the 15-pound hamburger. And then we'll all probably be really sick in the parking lot, but a good nap should help us work that out. It's Saturday, after all. No need to rush it on back to West Virginia!
PhilFest '08 will be my phourth (ha!!) trip to Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day. The first time I went, my friend Erinn (along with our other two friends) found it to be a good idea when at 10 p.m., we realized that the next day was Groundhog Day, the next day was Friday and well, we didn't have anything better to do that night.
In 2006, I took what, to this day, is known amongst my closest friends as "The Single Worst Trip I've Ever Made" for many, many reasons. One of the people on the trip seemed to think that what he saw in the movie actually was what was in store, and when that didn't pan out, he whined. Incessantly. And the other person on the trip (a person I don't even speak to anymore) tried a little to smooth things out but ended up fighting with the other douchebag. This led me to the conclusion, around 4 a.m., that I never, ever should have taken EITHER of them to Punxsutawney because once we got up to Gobbler's Knob, the "I wanna go home" douche decided to get really into it and have a good time and the other guy stood nowhere near where he could see what was going on wrapped in his blanket being pissy with everybody. Sigh. Even when I asked for a group picture, I got told no. Lesson learned: Don't make that trip with people you aren't certain can handle it on all levels. All of you end up miserable.
In 2007, though, it was "the Redeemer" trip, big time. Erinn was back for this one, along with our friend Danny, and to say that we had fun would be one of the greatest understatements of the century. From the minute we all got in the car in Morgantown until I was back in Charleston the next day sleeping for 18 hours straight, we had fun. Where else can you hear phrases like "Scream for me I.S.D.A.!!!!" and "they're made from sheep casings" all in the same night and still manage to make snow angels in Punxsutawney's park and see Punxy 5-0 about to make a takedown? And Burger King has never, ever been so tasty.
So, I'm eager to see what '08 has in store because it's a Saturday. I'm pretty sure Erinn's in again, I think I've almost talked Julie into it and definitely Jeff if he can get the time off. I'd love to get a couple of hotel rooms, a big ol' rented van ... I think we could turn it into a fantastic weekend.
If you want to go, we'd love to have you, but you're gonna have to pass our entrance exam first, and so help me GOD if you ask me if it's anything like the movie ...
PhilFest '08 will be my phourth (ha!!) trip to Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day. The first time I went, my friend Erinn (along with our other two friends) found it to be a good idea when at 10 p.m., we realized that the next day was Groundhog Day, the next day was Friday and well, we didn't have anything better to do that night.
In 2006, I took what, to this day, is known amongst my closest friends as "The Single Worst Trip I've Ever Made" for many, many reasons. One of the people on the trip seemed to think that what he saw in the movie actually was what was in store, and when that didn't pan out, he whined. Incessantly. And the other person on the trip (a person I don't even speak to anymore) tried a little to smooth things out but ended up fighting with the other douchebag. This led me to the conclusion, around 4 a.m., that I never, ever should have taken EITHER of them to Punxsutawney because once we got up to Gobbler's Knob, the "I wanna go home" douche decided to get really into it and have a good time and the other guy stood nowhere near where he could see what was going on wrapped in his blanket being pissy with everybody. Sigh. Even when I asked for a group picture, I got told no. Lesson learned: Don't make that trip with people you aren't certain can handle it on all levels. All of you end up miserable.
In 2007, though, it was "the Redeemer" trip, big time. Erinn was back for this one, along with our friend Danny, and to say that we had fun would be one of the greatest understatements of the century. From the minute we all got in the car in Morgantown until I was back in Charleston the next day sleeping for 18 hours straight, we had fun. Where else can you hear phrases like "Scream for me I.S.D.A.!!!!" and "they're made from sheep casings" all in the same night and still manage to make snow angels in Punxsutawney's park and see Punxy 5-0 about to make a takedown? And Burger King has never, ever been so tasty.
So, I'm eager to see what '08 has in store because it's a Saturday. I'm pretty sure Erinn's in again, I think I've almost talked Julie into it and definitely Jeff if he can get the time off. I'd love to get a couple of hotel rooms, a big ol' rented van ... I think we could turn it into a fantastic weekend.
If you want to go, we'd love to have you, but you're gonna have to pass our entrance exam first, and so help me GOD if you ask me if it's anything like the movie ...
jeez, i just started christmas shopping ... but it's a weekend, right? like the groundhog phil, i'll be there.
It almost would be worth riding along in the back seat from two cars down with a video camera just to document the hilarity. Of course, some things ya'll do aren't meant for documentation;)
Off Topic:
Once again, we are reminded of that most sacred of rules upon which all of our most important institutions were founded: NEVER trust a man with a porn-star mustache. Especially if it is a Wan-stache...
im curious! ...if you promise me its NOTHING like the movie :) i may be down!!
The ceremony is very accurate. Everything else? Nope. The town is NOTHING like in the movie. In the movie, Gobbler's Knob is like a town square. While there is a town square, Gobbler's Knob is actually about two miles up a hill away from downtown. And let me assure you sister, that's a hell of a walk at 7:30 a.m. after you've been up all night!
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