Monday, December 03, 2007

I've seen fire and I've seen ice -- just not together

I've been lucky enough to see a lot of really cool stuff in my 28 years.

But nothing like this.

Sweet Ann sent this to me with the disclaimer, "I don't know if this will make you laugh or cry, but I feel obligated to share it with you anyway."

My true love bursts into flames.

Why, God? Why?!

(I should add that I do love that it's a Comcast Zamboni that bursts into flames ... nice touch! Exploding Zamboni? That's Comcastic!!)


Patty O said...

I wonder how it caught on fire. Cool!

Anonymous said...

that's one of the best things i've seen all day.

Jacque Jo said...

I have no idea how it happened because I got too busy to find the actual story.

It's my goal, though, for my friend's Christmas party to come up with a drink called "Flaming Zamboni."