This also is dedicated to my friend Mil, who's been seeing some stress at her job on top of quitting smoking. A lethal combination! My suggestion to her was rather than smoking, or knocking over a 7-Eleven, she should buy a potato gun.
I really, really want a potato gun.
I've read several sites that show you how you can make them, but the thought of exploding PVC pipe (coupled with my really fabulous karma) could result in an undesired outcome.
And I think I'd boil the potatoes to make sure they didn't hurt so much when they hit something. And I also think a potato that explodes on impact with a car windshield is infinitely funny.
But check out this guy's vids ... It's worth it. Especially if you're not doing anything. And keep in mind my birthday is Feb. 11, and because I'm hard to shop for, I'm just telling you right now that I really want a potato gun.