-- "Blister in the Sun" by Violent Femmes
I'm so strung out on the DayQuil that I can't focus. I start to do something, and then I look at the clock, and then I'll flip through my iTunes, read TMZ.com, look at the New York Post online ... I'm a trainwreck.
A trainwreck just a couple of short hours away from from a weekend spent on her couch.
"Just because we A-rabs, girl, don't mean we's kin."
-- George, when asked if he was related to another guy from Charleston who also is Lebanese
My left nostril is all red and painful from the constant runniness. And sneezing.

The Firehouse, McGrath's, Johnnie's, Zembie's, the Chiefs, the freakin' Hershey Bears, Chocolate World -- all of it. I'd say the only part of that trip that sucked was the Turnpike, but as I drove away that night, I didn't even mind the Turnpike that time. It's not all that bad.
I also am way overdue for a trip to Richmond. Paige tells me there's a BW3 literally in staggering distance of her house, and this pleases me. :) I think the next time I'm up to hitting the road for a few days, there are going to be lots of wings and trivia involved. And Ikea, even though I doubt I could fit any of it in the Camry.
And really, is it February yet? I've got Groundhog Day, my birthday (which it's never, ever too early to start your planning for), the Foo in Philly followed by a weekend with Angie where we'll see things like the Museum of Medical Oddities ... I can't wait. All of January is just going to suck my will to live because I'm going to be waiting for February to get here.
OK, I've got to get back to work. I wanna go wrap up in my woobie on my couch and stay there until around noon on Sunday.
That's kind of how my working goes every day.
And you do need grounded for the weekend.
Think of it more like a planning weekend rather than a stalled weekend.
I've got my birthday in February as well. It's probably the only good thing about that cold, dreary month.
What day, Patty? Mine's the 11th! Do we need a cross-state wicked birthday bash?
LOL, yes! Mine's on the eighth! I think that's a Friday this year!
Yeah, ya lucky bastard. I'm a Monday. What fun is that?! :)
This is a definite occasion for a cross-state birthday fest!
Haha, we can both get wasted, and the space between West Virginia and New Hampshire won't know what hit them!
Hahahaha!! God, I wouldn't even know what halfway is ... I'm guessing somewhere in the middle of PA, and hey, I'm down for a trip to Hershey anytime!
But the cloud that stretches over us on the birthday weekend will be one to admire, certainly.
I've been to Hershey before! That was the time I visited relatives in Virginia and was going back up I-81. I remember a lot of chocolate when I was there.
Hershey was fun, especially hockey. The Bears are my new favorite team ever. :) And there's lots of fun to be had along Second Street in Harrisburg, too!
Awww, Hershey beat the Monarchs in the playoffs last year! Booo Hershey!
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