Monday, October 22, 2007

How I knew it was bed time

As I lay on my couch thinking about what I need to do, what's been done, what I should have done, I cracked myself up. I mean, genuine belly laughing.

In between "Pull that ad for a story hole" and "I need to pack my bag for volleyball," I thought ... "DAYMAN!! FIGHTER OF THE NIGHTMAN!!"

These two clips are from an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a couple weeks ago.

The first one, Chemical Toilet presents, "Night Man":

This was followed up by Electric Dream Machine's "Day Man":

I've said it hundred times, but this is the best show ever. Ever.

But I knew it was time to go to bed when I called Jeff and just started cracking myself up when I was singing "Day Man" to him on his drive home. He pointed out that if I'm on my couch almost in tears, bed's probably not a bad idea.

Oh, and just because it was on Flix tonight, and because it's my second-favorite movie of all time and because this probably is the best scene:


You said it, man.

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