Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's happened. I'm old.

I've spent most of the day building furniture from Wal-Mart and listening to the adult contemporary station.

Well, except for the few hours of Mountaineer domination.

When did I get old? I used to be young. Now I'm old. I want to wear sweatpants and read rather than go out.

Weird. Things like that hit you quickly. But at least I've got some Holland Oates on the radio. Hahaha ... :)


Ann Ali said...

umm, i am supposedly "young," and i've been in sweatpants since i showered at 12:30 p.m.
and you're just tough! i wish i had the drive to put something together today, but i've been "recovering" on the couch all day lol

Jacque Jo said...

You were definitely a sight to behold last night!! :) You were a great whacked out Britney.

Patty O said...

You old person you!!

And yeah, I totally missed your Ferris Bueller quotes at first, but then I got it. That's one of those movies where I kinda feel compelled to see it everytime it's on.

Jim Thomsen said...

Gloria Estefan gives me the will to live, dammit.

Jacque Jo said...

Patty ... Hahaha! I'm a walking movie quote encyclopedia. My knowledge is to be admired.

Of course, I find that also makes me kinda deficient in other areas like, "Where did I park?" and "Pay rent."

Anonymous said...

I would rather listen to my NPR affiliate's weekly gardening program than talk to anyone else in my apartment complex.

But then again, I'm just a closet curmudgeon.

Jacque Jo said...

I don't even know my neighbor. He seems OK. I should take him some cookies or something.

Patty O said...

Haha yeah, paying rent is one of those things that's kind of important. I've definitely forgotten where I've parked my car too though.

Jacque Jo said...

I paid early! I wrote the check and took it up there today. Go Jacque.

carissaad said...

I sympathize with you. I get a little jealous every time my brother comes home and goes out every night with his friends. It's always annoyed me that he has more people to hang out with here than I do and I live here. However, this weekend I was so exhausted from the last two months of my life that I thought he was insane to be going out.

Jacque Jo said...

I know, Carissa! I sometimes get jealous of people who are always out and then I realized I just don't go out a lot these days. Maybe that'll change. :)

Angela said...

Oh, yeah. Old sneaked up on me to. And then it bashed me over the head with a rolling pin and Jack Lalanne's juicer. Dammit.

Jacque Jo said...

There's nothin' like the Juice Tiger, sister. NOTHING!