Friday, October 26, 2007

It's funny 'cause it's true

Julie sent me this video this morning, and it cracked me up. The cat in this cartoon is totally Miss Cleo, my cat who lives in my old house. I miss her a whole lot. She's always kind of ill-tempered, but I love that about her.

My friend Philip just got a cat. He should get ready for this.


Atypical California Girl said...

That is AWESOME!
And you are right. It's funny cuz it's true.
I have to lock my big male cat out of the bedroom. Literally lock the door. It has a handle instead of a know and he figured out long ago how to pull down on that handle and open the door.

Jacque Jo said...

Oh wow! That cat is really good!

My two cats that I had before I was married still live at my old house, and Abby was known as "alarm clock" because predictably, she'd come in at the same time every day and climb up on the nightstand and just stare. Cleo was the disruptive one!

My new cat, Inky, doesn't even come upstairs when I'm home. I'll bring her up there to sleep but she leaves during the night. She's very fond of sleeping in front of the vent downstairs by the kitchen.

I've always said, "Who needs kids when cats are this entertaining?"