Thursday, February 28, 2008

I know, I'm woefully behind.

Here's a basic rundown ... Things have been crazy and I haven't had much time to even catch my breath lately.

When I was in Philadelphia last week, Ang reminded me that I provided her a much-needed break during some harsh work days. It's been stuck in my head since.

You put these things out here and you never really know if anybody's reading it and then someone sends a message like Patty, or asks like Jim or says they miss it like Angie did.

So, I promise here to make a more concerted effort. I even put it in my planner for tomorrow because I'm an uber-geek and I live for planning.

Thank you if you've stuck with me ... those of you who are closest to me know I'm going through a lot of changes right now and it's both really fun and exiting and really overwhelming at the same time. :)

So, I'll get some pics ready and resume my regular schedule tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I'll have you know that you are missing Elliot in the Morning night at the Richmond Renegades home game tonight. Then again, so am I, so I can't really rub it in.

Jacque Jo said...

GAH!!! DAMMIT!!!!!!

I think we should crash their studios one morning. Just hang around outside until someone feels bad and lets us come in.

Patty O said...

I can think of a few times where I went weeks without posting. Everyone does it, but it's nice to know that people want to read what you write. I'll keep coming.