"Don't shit in the punchbowl, Ken. It's our party."
For those who may not have seen what lead to my awarding of the Quote of the Week, here's the context from a story on ESPN.com:
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick, who was outspoken in his support of Rodriguez following his departure, called it a "sad morning."
"He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."
Really, Ken? Really?
I get it. Rich was your boy. And that's cool. I'm OK with that. But is it necessary to kick a man in the sack the morning after he picks up the pieces of something shattered at his feet, takes some duct tape, puts the thing back together and happens to make it work?
And here's the other thing -- I don't think it really matters what you think. You'll write your check or you won't. A big wallet doesn't give you the final say and it doesn't entitle you to be a total douchebag. You love this program so much? Just do everybody a favor and shut up.
Ken has made me want to punch in the face several times in the last month. I would love to see WVU officials return his check and tell him to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Someone needs to tell him that donors can designate what their money is used for, but they don't get to make decisions for the organization as a whole.
As you know, I'm worried about the new coach... making the interim guy the head coach is... a yellow flag with a lot of orange to it...
Having said that... someone needs to tell Ken that when the debate is over you shut up... You don't undercut your guy just so you can say you were right if he fails...
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