That means 95 percent of us woke up today making all sorts of promises of things we're going to do right in 2008 that we didn't get right in 2007.
For an overwhelming percentage of people, it's "lose weight."
For me, it's "marriage."
(DING!! ... Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week ... be sure to try the veal AND tip your wait staff.)
The goal of losing weight and getting healthy is noble and all. I'm all for it. And I'd totally be on that bandwagon with you, but, well, tomorrow's the Fiesta Bowl.
And then I might want to go somewhere this weekend.
And then I have that thing up at my parents' house.
Well, by then, Nicole's coming.
So, I can start after that.
No. February 1 is the trip to Punxsutawney and Ann and I are going to try to eat the six pound hamburger. So, after, no ...
February 11 is my birthday, so that's out. And well, then Valentine's Day, and since I don't have one, I'm going to want to go to dinner with friends. So, there's ...
Gah! Foo Fighters weekend. Then I'm spending some fun-filled and deserved days with Angie wandering the streets of Philadelphia. So, I can ...
No. My sister's birthday is March 9, and she'll want Drover's, so I can ...
See what I mean?
I'm harder on myself than anybody else would be. My goal (or "resolution" if you want to call it that) for 2008 is to simply find happiness. I spent so much of 2007 so very, very unhappy for dozens of reasons and I'm ready to put that behind me. I'm ready to start taking better care of myself, which includes getting enough sleep, eating right, enjoying the membership I have at the gym, running outside and breathing in the fresh air and showing love, kindness and appreciation to those I hold dear to me.
So, I swear that all starts after the Fiesta Bowl. Unless they lose, and I'll be sad, and nothing says "sad" like onion rings, so I'll ...
Happy 2008, everybody. :)
um. i think i can help with the 6-lb. hamburger. does that help?
i cleaned my apartment, but i don't intend to clean my life. so many people seem to be unhappy, everyone should eat the 6 pounder.
Man I forgot about that six pound burger. Since it's not possible for me to speak after thought, I should resolve to at least remember the things I spout off :-D
I would love to eat a 6-pound burger. But I would be stupid and demand an extra pound on the size, which would likely add to my next goal in life: to go a year without any visits to the ER.
Oh and without any caffeine, life should be interesting for those around me.
Just go with the same New Year's resolution I did: Don't check out hot girls on the side of the road while driving anymore. That always kills me.
No resolutions.
As soon as you say "I want to do this..." you set yourself up for disappointment when you don't do it.
So I spare myself that disappointment.
You have no idea how badly I want to go to the groundhog pulling.
Come on . .. I'll drive you from Charleston! Just get to Charleston! :) You can bring your boyfriend. The more, the better.
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