Meet my new enemy. This is Lou. Lou is Amy's husband.
Reasons to not trust Lou:

1. His name is Lou.
2. Look at that hair.
3. Those sunglasses.
But I digress.
Lou and Amy were in the midst of a fun divorce. Granted, it probably didn't help Amy much when she and Joey rekindled their Long Island love story for about 38 minutes this past summer, but after cooler heads and sobriety prevailed, Amy and Joey both went back to their respective spouses.
But according to today's edition of the New York Post, Lou took matters into his own hands. He was going to do divorce the American way. And as we all know, in America the one thing that can ease all pain and suffering is ...
Money!! Lots of it.
Lou and Amy, as wacky, in love, married couples tend to do, made themselves a video memento of their passion. Lou, scorned man that he was, decided to take revenge against his then-estranged wife by ... selling it.
But Lou didn't really think it through ... they got back together. And this company owns the tape.
That's gonna make the holidays a little awkward around the Bellara house.
That's right, kids. Now you, too, can own the Amy Fisher sex tape.
Here's the story from the Post:
October 29, 2007 -- The world soon could be seeing more of the Long Island Lolita - a lot more.
A sex tape of Amy Fisher and her husband, Lou Bellera, is in the hands of a Los Angeles porn distributor, and the onetime teen temptress isn't happy about it, her former business partner said yesterday.
Fisher and her husband apparently made the tape earlier this year, before they filed for divorce, according to David Krieff, a TV executive who has produced reunion specials with Fisher, her ex-lover Joey Buttafuoco and Buttafuoco's ex-wife, Mary Jo Buttafuoco.
But in the time Fisher and her hubby were in Splitsville, Bellera hawked the tape to L.A. smut peddler Red Light District Video, which is expected to start selling their steamy footage next month.
"I was told she was a willing participant at the time it was made, as a private video with her husband," Krieff said.
It wasn't until August that Fisher, who has since reconciled with Bellera, learned of the Red Light deal and wants to stop the video's release.
"She's disgusted," Krieff said. "I'm disgusted by it, too, the whole genre. I can't believe in the United States of America things like this can be released.
"I feel bad for Amy and Lou," Krieff added. "I think they were having a fight and he made a bad decision that's coming back to haunt them now."
A bad decision? To me, a bad decision is eating Chinese food from a place called "Wok and Roll." A bad decision is seeing any movie with Christian Slater. A bad decision was the third "Major League" movie.
I'm not sure I could forgive him for this. If I were hanging out with Amy tonight, I'd tell her to send his goldbricking ass packing. I'd buy her some chianti and we'd rent DVDs and paint our toenails. She doesn't need Lou. She doesn't need any guy who'd do that.
But the lessons to be learned?
1. Videotape NOTHING. It's not a good idea. It's never a good idea. There is not a single shred of good in anything like that being videotaped.
2. Write nothing down.
3. Deny. Deny. Deny.
And don't date dudes named Lou with hair like that.
Amen, sister. I also now avoid Tims like the plague after being threatened in like manner. Whether or not it was actually distributed, I don't care to know, BUT, I'm at least glad that I looked hot. I can admit that much. Also, if anyone sees a video online that looks like me, it's not. (Rule #3)
If I ever decide to get a trendy Chinese character tattoo, it's going to be the Chinese symbols for "Deny, Deny, Deny."
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