Saturday, December 08, 2007

Oooh! It's like Christmas up in here!

MSNBC's showing a power block of "To Catch a Predator" goodness, including the "The Unseen Tapes."'


The guy they're interviewing now just said:

"There ain't no tellin' what I'll do when I'm drunk."

... that sounds like a lot of people I know.

I'm excited, though. This is great self-imposed grounding viewing. You don't have to think to watch this -- just laugh.

Oh, and these people should be beat with hoses as soon as they walk out the door. I think just normal police custody's too good for someone whose sole purpose for travel is to have sex with kids.

I know the issues surrounding this series, too -- there are both social and ethical concerns -- but the bottom line? I have no respect for kid touchers and they should really get what's coming their way: Prison rape.


Patty O said...

Glad you like that show, cuz I don't. I get annoyed with the theatricality of it, and the cops making a big show at the end arresting the pedofile. Just arrest him and get it over with!

Jacque Jo said...

That's what I was talking about when I was talking about the issues I do have with it ... there's a lot of additional drama. But I do love, love, love when these dudes are sitting there with Chris Hanson and they can't put a sentence together or they say, "I'm just here to talk," and then Hanson says, "It says here in the chat log that you want to stick your blank in her left nostril. What do you have to say for that?"