Monday, October 29, 2007

This morning's entry is brough to you by Erinn

And the words:


Man tan


"I just snorted like a pig."


Jim Thomsen said...

There's also "man date" ... where men go out to dinner and the theater together as hetero pals ... and "mancation," where a bunch of buddies team up on a Mexican time-share condo or some such.

Jacque Jo said...

I like "murse."

A male bag that they use to carry stuff that's LIKE a purse, but NOT a purse.

Atypical California Girl said...

I heard a local newscaster guy on TV this morning say he just got back from his "man-cation."
I don't need more details. I switched the channel.

Atypical California Girl said...

And when I first saw "murse" I thought you meant a male nurse.
I would call that bag a "man bag."

Jacque Jo said...

I think "man-cation" is just about the pinnacle of "holy crap."

Man bag is good for "murse." My friend George has a murse. We mock him for it all the time.

I'm also a fan of the "man crush" term.