Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just when you think you're in control

AT&T smacks you with a $300 cell phone bill.

I really thought it was a joke. Like, "Hahaha! Jacque! Look at that! We took bets in accounts receivable as to whether this would be what caused you to stroke out."

I almost stroked out, but sure enough, it's all mine. Since I moved out on my own, the cell phone's the only means of telephonic communication I have. Which means if you're calling me, and you're not an AT&T customer, and you're calling be before 9 p.m. eastern, I'm paying for it.

Like $300 paying for it.


So I called to check, and sure enough, I'm guilty. I kept hoping it really was just some sort of funny little mixup I could laugh at later while, naturally, calling someone who isn't an AT&T customer during the day.


Anonymous said...

that's totally unfair.
mail it to lou. with a pumpkin.


Jacque Jo said...

This is totally Lou's fault.

Ann Ali said...

Or Jesus, he might still be angry about his lack of bolding.
Either way, that does suck hard.

Jacque Jo said...

Trust me, Sweet Ann. It HAS crossed my mind that this is residual punishment from the Jesus bolding incident of October 2007.

Atypical California Girl said...

Don't they have those flat-fee plans where you are? I mean, $300??? Jesus!!!
Oh wait... Sorry.

Jacque Jo said...

That's Jesus to you, Missy.

I do have a flat plan, but I obliterated the monthly minutes and the rollover. Separations are hard on the ol' wallet.

I said "hard on."

Angela said...

LOL, you said hard on. ;)

And damn. I hate cell phone bills. HATE THEM HATE THEM HATE THEM.

Amazing how quickly those things add up. That's how they jack you (no pun intended).

Jacque Jo said...

Yeah. It was $226 in overage charges. It wasn't even that I'm on a BlackBerry now with a big ass unlimited Internet pack. It was the freaking overage.

I told people if they were calling me during the day to call my desk at work. They provide me with a perfectly sweet phone for use.:)