Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'll take "Self-fulfilling" for $500, Alex

I went out to lunch today with Julie. When I got back to my office's parking lot, the box with my remaining peanut noodles popped open and went everywhere. Not only did I lose my leftovers, the Camry is going to reek of peanut for the rest of its life.

I'm also sure I'm getting a cold. I've done nothing but sneeze today.

Damn you, Bon Jovi. Damn you.


Jim Thomsen said...

This is the moment when you tell Julie: "Your love is like bad medicine."

Anonymous said...

i think you could have done worse than peanut noodles. it could have been a dairy product of some kind. that curdles. eeew. california's still burning.
and not in the good way.

Jacque Jo said...

In the grand scheme, it could have been a whole lot worse, but still ... it was just GAH!! And I sat there thinking, "Shiiiiiiiiiiiit."

some asian guy said...

could've been worse. the camry could've experienced "slippery when wet," like those poor sods who hydroplaned over the interstate bridge.

Jacque Jo said...

Oh, holy crap, man. I made sure to be extra careful on the way to Southridge tonight!